Preliminary Market Consultation (PMC)
oriented to the Climate Mission València 2030

After the elaboration and presentation of our Early Demand Map in July 2021, the result of the collaborative work of agents from all the innovation helixes of the city and the territory, we were facing an immense challenge: how to prioritise the 54 challenges and the 305 unmet public needs that could be solved through CPI procedures that were incorporated into the Map?

The answer was complex, but obvious. Linking the Public Procurement of Innovation processes and, therefore, this work to address the city’s challenges with the first Mission approved: the València 2030 Climate Mission, which aims to make València a climate-neutral city by 2030, and to do so by and for the citizens, within the context of the European mission of 100 European Smart and climate-neutral cities by 2030.

The Early Demand Map València 2030 has a strong relationship with the objectives pursued by the Climate Mission, as all the Visions on which the Map reflects present challenges and unmet public needs that could advance the city towards its goal of climate neutrality using Public Procurement of Innovation as a tool. This close linkage has led to the decision to use the València 2030 Climate Mission as the main prioritisation element and guide for transforming the València 2030 Early Demand Map in the Preliminary Market Consultation processes that will be opened.

The 8 simultaneous Preliminary Market Consultation processes open on 22 June 2022 at 10:00h through a public event in the Auditorium of the UPV (Universitat Politècnica de València), with the aim of identifying innovative lines of work to achieve climate neutrality in the city by 2030. The event will detail all the information related to each of the challenges, as well as the operational details to participate in this Preliminary Market Consultation process.

The information will be updated on this website as progress is made in this procedure, covered by Article 115 of Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts. For any doubts regarding the overall functioning of the Preliminary Market Consultation or any technical aspect of any of the challenges, we invite you to use the online doubts form that we have enabled on this website. The answers to these doubts will be collected in the FAQs documents that you will also find on this website. Finally, we also make available to you the e-mail address for any further consideration.

Finally, remember that you can count on the Bank of Innovative Ideas to contribute your innovative proposals in case they are not linked to any of the 8 challenges launched in this first Preliminary Market Consultation procedure.

Challenge 1

Sustainable mobility

Challenge 2

Energetic model

Challenge 3

Urban planning and sustainable habitat


Challenge 4

Valencian circular and sustainable economy

Challenge 5


Challenge 6

Resilience and adaptation

Challenge 7

Smart governance

Challenge 8

Social implication

Presentation of the challenges of urban transformation of Valencia City Council

Preliminary Market Consultation Results oriented to the Valencia 2030 Climate Mission

After the opening in June 2022 of the 8 simultaneous processes of Preliminary Market Consultation oriented to the València 2030 Climate Mission, for more than 6 months the València City Council, based on the work carried out by ten Areas/Delegations and eight public entities, has deployed an evaluation process of the 155 ideas and solutions provided by innovative agents from all over Spain, with special involvement from the Valencian innovative ecosystem.

These results have finally been made public at the “València 2030 Climate Mission preliminary market consultation results communication event for the innovative ecosystem”, held on 27 January 2023 at Las Naves innovation centre.

According to the requirements of Article 115 of Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts, the detailed results of this process are set out in the following Report on the Conclusions of the Preliminary Market Consultation:

Conclusions report

Get to know the results per challenge!

Challenge 1

Sustainable mobility

Challenge 2

Energetic model

Challenge 3

Urban planning and sustainable habitat


Challenge 4

Valencian circular and sustainable economy

Challenge 5


Challenge 6

Resilience and adaptation

Challenge 7

Smart governance

Challenge 8

Social implication

What are Preliminary Market Consultations?

They are public consultations aimed at economic operators, academia, researchers or any other interested agent in order to gather information on how to address the challenges posed in the framework of the Public Procurement of Innovation processes with the aim of knowing the degree of maturity of the solutions and thus correctly prepare the possible PPI tenders arising from this process.

This is an open and transparent procedure whose participation does not preclude subsequent intervention in procurement procedures that may arise.