In April 2021, the Mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, accompanied by the Deputy Mayors, Sandra Gómez and Sergi Campillo, presented the Strategic Framework of València document, as an open text to debate by all urban stakeholders to define the direction of the city’s development in the coming years.
“Beyond the four years of a mandate, we think it is essential, especially at these times, to define a framework, in which everyone can agree, with the broad outlines of where we want to take the city”.

The Strategic Framework of València outlines a city horizon for 2030 and a working methodology that should accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable, healthier, more shared and more prosperous city. To this end, the document provides the key elements to structure the development of the València 2030 Urban Strategy, and consists of a set of perspectives of the city, strategic lines, objectives and innovation ‘Missions’. This development model, based on what the city is today and what it wants to be in the future, hinges on the following elements.
People first: Strategic Framework of València
Valencia’s strategic framework places people at the centre, as the beginning and end of the whole process.
City Looks
On this initial layer, a series of perspectives are defined to rethink the city:
Healthy City, Sustainable City, Shared City, Prosperous and Entrepreneurial City, Creative City and Mediterranean City.
Strategic city framework
The city’s Strategic Framework, which addresses the challenges, strategies and objectives of the city in the 2030 horizon, is defined on the basis of people and visions.
Public Policies: Strategic Framework of València
Valencia’s strategic framework grows with a key concentric circle for transformation: public policies.
Demonstration projects
Demonstration projects allow solutions to the identified challenges to be articulated in practice and demonstrate the way forward to achieve the strategic objectives.
Innovation missions for major complexities
The research and innovation missions are part of the European framework Horizon Europe 2021-2027 and aim to ensure a better link between R&D and innovation efforts and the needs of society and citizens over the next decade.
Now more than ever, society is constantly looking to science and innovation to provide us the solutions and answers to the major emergencies that humanity is facing. In this context of urgency and a focus on innovation, the city of Valencia is taking the lead by launching Missions València 2030, an innovation governance model based on missions that improve people’s lives. This governance model brings together the entire innovation ecosystem without excluding anyone, because the missions of a city, a country or all Europe are achieved from diversity and with the combination of all the stakeholders, all the talent and all the sources of knowledge.
This is the story of innovation in València inspired by the ideas of the economist Mariana Mazzucato and by the European proposals on research and innovation for this decade. This is the story of a wide-ranging political, social and technical drive that has placed València at the European forefront of mission-driven innovation, having been recognised by the European Commission as one of the six most innovative European cities in 2020 and a candidate for European Capital of Innovation.

València PPI Project
Innovation actions included in the strategic commitment Promoting PPI in València | |
1. Creation of the PPI team | Document of constitution of the PPI VLC Team by the Local Government Board |
2. Approval of the institutional commitment to the promotion of the PPI | Certification of the municipal commitment to the promotion of the PPI by the Local Government Board |
3. Reaching a PPI weight of 3% of the total public procurement of the City Council. | Certification of the municipal commitment to 3% PPI expenditure by the Local Government Board |
4. Capacity building for the technical and political sphere of Valencia in PPI | Certification of the municipal commitment to 3% PPI expenditure by the Local Government Board |
5. Proactive PPI: Challenges and Early Demand Mapping | Link to the Early Demand Map section València 2030 |
6. Proactive PPI: Preliminary Market Consultations | Coming soon |
7. Proactive PPI: Deployment of PPI Processes | Coming soon |
8 and 9. Bank of Innovative Ideas and InnoCasting | Link to the PPI València Observatory section |
Innovation plays a fundamental role in the city’s development strategy in the short, medium and long term. Specifically, under the Missions València 2030 initiative, València City Council has shaped five public innovation strategies designed as global lines of action to make innovation a key tool for tackling the city’s main challenges. In this way, innovation, science and research are incorporated into the construction of València’s Strategic Framework as a transversal and systemic public action.
In this context, it is vital to focus on the first of these strategies “Governing innovation in València”, since it is specifically in this strategy that the commitment to “Promote Public Procurement of Innovation in Valencia” is made explicit. This commitment means starting the journey to take advantage of the dynamic capacity that Public Administrations have through their procurement processes to be the driving force behind innovation. To do so, in the case of València, this route involves undertaking the following innovation actions.
The PPI process in Valencia: Valencia PPI Plan
In January 2021, the Project for the Promotion and Management of Public Procurement of Innovation in València City Council was launched as the initiative that should establish the foundations of the municipal commitment to this mechanism. To do so, a plan of actions has been drawn up to be developed firstly between 2021 and 2022.